We have heard from so many people interested in contributing to this community ezine, including writers, artists, and those who wish to work behind the scenes. Since this is a community project, sharing your talent and knowledge with the community is a way to be a good citizen. We're thrilled to hear from you, and for your ease, we provide these guidelines below.

Help Behind the Scenes

We always have a need for help of every stripe. And I bet whatever your abilities and experience, there is something you can contribute. Contact us and we'll figure out what you like to do and what we need!

Artists & Writers

We are not looking for only professional writers and artists, though that is always wonderful. You do not have to be previously published; you only have to have something you want to share and communicate to our community.


Any time you want to suggest an article, run by us a short synopsis (25-50 words) for approval. I will also look at a finished piece if it is already on hand. Then, our guidelines are as follows: 500 words max. For fiction/poetry: short stories (can be up to 750 words) or excerpts from longer works.


If you are interested in contributing a photo essay or sketchbook, send us 25-50 words about your concept for the piece plus 2-3 samples of your work (could be from your proposed piece or other work) so we know what we're approving.

Topics to Choose

Since we are interested in anything about living, working, thinking about or being in Weston from anyone, as well as fiction and poetry from Weston-dwellers or workers, this is a pretty wide field! Surprise us with your ideas....I imagine they could be nearly infinite.

Our audience is a general one of all ages, incomes, nationalities, levels of education, knowledge about Weston, etc. The technology they have on hand to view our magazine could be anything from primitive to state-of-the-art. We shy away from anything which requires special technological knowledge or requires special software to view.